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Thursday, September 04, 2003

so GinnaKarla and I have started actual capital-W work on our second books. I'm not sure how I feel about this first one anymore, but I feel that I can't even see it at this point, so who's to say. In any case, it's time to start work on another one, and so we have. Both of ours, interestingly enough, will deal with family in some way -- hers, relating to secrets and superstition and mine starting with suburbs and shadows, moving into some full-on psychic break madness, and then resolving (hopefully) with a long long poem. We'll see how that goes. Right now I'm flip-flopping between the first two sections -- the one dealing with the protaganist as child and her family goings-on, and the second one where moves back to her childhood home and loses it (it being her mind, apparently.) Short attention span theater, I suppose.

I'm still reading Tory Dent -- trying to get through the long last series "HIV, Mon Amour" in spurts on the train. more later...


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