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Thursday, May 20, 2004

so I took a fairly long ride with a poet last night. this is what came of that. and comments are welcome!

invoking Audre

this voice is not a bird. does not flutter
in the throat or threaten to flee
/ is not loose like the body, like muscle
or cellulite, shifting / is stone
somehow, maybe the only thing
that lasts


I'm told we don't need any more poems
about women and their bodies. the man
who says this has had many small cancers
scraped from his face. I forgive him,
and think about you in that airport, a big woman
taking up space.


this voice is a lost hymn to a heretic goddess
the last wish of a half-hanged witch

this voice is not a gift taken back
by an angry father, not your freedom song


the man who says this is white, and straight,
and too intelligent for his education.
I wish you into the back seat, I turn the radio down.

he says it is the death of art.


I speak for the girl who knows which way
to turn the razor at a wrist

I speak for the boy stealing his mother's lipstick

this is not your freedom song


I don't know how to explain what it is to know
you were not meant to survive, and have. I think
I would press the excised skin between glass,
hang it over the sink. I say, there are no
new stories. certain words in certain order
keep us alive.


this is Alice Paul's hunger strike
Harriet Tubman's first run
and a grandmother explaining the physics
of momentum on a screened-in front porch


I say, if you can write a poem about a mailman
or a cactus that will save my life, then do it. meanwhile
homophobia. the hypersexualized body. racism, rape.
government, destruction, love.

the poem about the hobo is cute. I wish I could play
the harmonica.


this is Janis Joplin's caterwaul
Bell Hook's lost diary
and Eve's hand on the apple

not your freedom song
not your freedom song
not your freedom song

but a mouth broken open
so you may speak.



Harold Bloom called slam poetry “the death of art.”
“we were never meant to survive” is from a poem by Audre Lorde.


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