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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

{yesterday was a good day. today, not so much.}

lies about gratitude

when the day starts with death
-- a mouse corpse stuck
to the bathroom floor -- where
do you put breakfast, the proposal
on deadline, the calculator, his not
having called

the hand you slammed in the limousine door
at your sister’s wedding has all but healed

you are lucky to have a left foot
to be stepped on by a man
in the 4 train herd, exiting, lucky
to have a leather bag to drop
in the puddle outside your office,
lucky to have an office, a bathroom floor

the mouse envies you. pries its dry face up
to wink its only goddamn lidless eye.


So I was researching the Christian Science Monitor today because they had an article on afterschool education. The also print poems, apparently. And basically ask for upbeat verse that serves as a respite from the heaviness of the news. I think I should send them this one. yesirree I'm gonna be famous.


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