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Friday, November 18, 2005

hey, I'm teaching a louderARTS workshop!

December 18, 2005
3-6 p.m.

The Death of "Nice" : moving beyond the expected in your poems.

The successful poem MUST surprise. Beginning and seasoned writers alike tend to fall into patterns in their poetry -- the same content, the same form, the same sound -- and while those repetitions can provide us a sense of "voice" and stability, they can also box us in and box out the new, fresh, stunning idea or turn or image or experiment or shape that makes the poem transcend the ordinary, everyday, "nice" poem.

In this workshop, we will explore the wierd, the unexpected, the dangerous, and above all the thing that makes you say "I can't put THAT in the poem!" Because often, THAT is your poem. We will look at how a few poets allow the THAT in, and how it affects the poem. We will write, and we will critique. Come awake, open, and bring a poem that needs the group's eye.

to register, email workshops@louderARTS.com


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