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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

{anniversaries and whatnot}

so I'm not a big anniversary person. everything in my life tends to start-stop-stutter-start too much for me to lock in on dates, which I'm bad at remembering anyway. too many numbers involved.

however, Monday, April 4 is the 7-year anniversary of the now-legendary and soon-to-be-legendarier louderMONDAYS at Bar 13, and it's going to be a whoo-ee whizbang bring a new pen a blank notebook and your best drinking shoes kind of night.

our features: Patrick Rosal and Ishle Yi Park. Our invited readers have begun to reply to their invitations, and it's a glorious and growing list.

in addition to the fabulous louderARTISTS (Roger Bonair-Agard, Lynne Procope, Rachel McKibbens, Oscar Bermeo, Rich Villar, Matthew Charles Siegel, Cheryl Boyce Taylor, Jessica Torres, Raymond Daniel Medina, Abena Koomson, Mara Jebsen, Fish Vargas, Elana Bell, Sabrina Hayeem-Ladani, Syreeta McFadden, and me!), we have amazing supporters reading, including:
Hal Sirowitz!
Michael Cirelli!
Dawn Saylor!
Edwin Torres!
Rob Neill!
Samantha Raheem!
Shelley Stenhouse!

and I just invited folks today. stay tuned for further commitments.

for those of you just tuning into the fabulous world of Bar 13, here are the details:

every Monday at 13 Bar/Lounge
35 E. 13th St., Union Square, NYC
7 p.m.
$5 ($4 for students)
2-for-1 drinks all night

and on April 4, get there early if you want a seat.


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