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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

{truth and fiction in art and non}

This makes for an interesting afternoon wonderment about the nature of truth in writing and where lines get drawn when profits are on the line... would these books ever have been published if they stuck to the facts? if they were positioned as fiction, which they apparently, largely, are? how much do the lies affect the art, the craft, of what was written?

JT Leroy: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/09/books/09book.html?emc=eta1


Thanks to Oprah Winfrey, author James Frey's "A Million Little Pieces" has sat atop best-seller lists since the TV star picked the nonfiction memoir for her powerful book club four months ago. Winfreyhas called Frey's book, which chronicles his years as an alcoholic, drug addict, and criminal,"gut-wrenching" and "so real." Well, not exactly. A six-week investigation has determined that Frey'sblockbuster is filled with fabrications, falsehoods, and other fakery. In a related note, a "rattled" Frey has lawyered up and is threatening to sue us for millions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been obsessed with this story as well Anthony Godby Johnson and Kaycee Nichole's stories all weekend. The JT Leroy story particularily because of it's "cult status". I was told a few months ago that I din't "get it" because I wasn't particularily moved by the story but I did take into account the harrowing reality of it and gave points for that. I think that once the element of truth is removed from a work of art, then the art must be judged more harshly. If you're going ot make it up at least make it good. I've heard horrible poems that have been presented as fiction and not wanting to negate the experiences of the storyteller, I allowed them the stage to release their inner...ness. However, once I realize that the story has been crafted and not well-crafted then I judge more harshly. Not only is it sentimental dreck but it's also poorly written sentimental dreck. At the point, you realize that the reason why the story wasn't presented as ficition is because then the shortcomings of the writer are scrutinized and what bettet way to avoid that than to appeal to the sense of moral responsibility we all have to be sympathetic to a struggle.

so yeah, i've been thinking about this all weekend.


7:00 PM


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