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Thursday, January 22, 2004

this is my last night in LA! and I'm almost done packing everything I own out here -- which turns out to be more than I'd expected -- into three duffel bags and a suitcase. two of the duffels are so massive I have no idea how I'm going to get them from the car rental drop-off into the airport. how did I come to have so many shoes? of course it's show "costumes" as well as all my regular clothes.

anyway, I can't wait to get going but I'm dreading the freezing temperatures in New Hampshire. sigh. time to make up for all the California warmth...

OK, now I have to go throw away everything in the refrigerator. wow, this is so much fun. I should move more often. ugh. Rachel Kahn is supposed to come over and keep me company, but it's getting late and I am desperate to get this done and get in bed.

news from New Hampshire soon.


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