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Monday, July 19, 2004

{latest crazy}


maybe hornets. maybe the hum of vacuum cleaner
in the apartment above, water resisting in pipes, refrigerator
buzz. what's coming, refusing to come, gone. it's as if
you don't believe me when I tell you

voices but no one's here. the running pushes blood
to the necessary places, my knees
two pipecleaners but how many times

frogs have deceptively simple tongues. like a snake,
the scent organ flickering. why bother veining
the fake leaves with plastic. fooling no one
none of the time. CNN, the Newlywed Game,
my unwashed sweat. where are you.

dishes in the sink, no water yet today, holes
in the mainline, they say
it's the new oil, I know there's gold
in my stomach, boiling.

could we run. thousand-legged from the
technological deathmarch toward cellular
can you hear it we are not alone. shoot the TV
hide the children kingdom come give us this

day our daily notice how Washington's eyes never move
on the dollar but follow the Knights of Columbus became
the Freemasons so we fear Friday the 13th as if burning

at the stake were reserved for factual crimes now listen
to Ethel Rosenberg slump in her chair listen
as the fire eats Joan's stolen dress listen
to Rachel Corrie's bones pestle under the bulldozer
Matthew Matthew Matthew the fence

forgive us our trespasses so much noise the whispering
no wonder the dead walk angry the wind is coming
no more water get ready they say, laughing.


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