{WWW.MARTYMCCONNELL.COM} {NEW JOURNAL: martyoutloud.livejournal.com (no www required)}

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

{declare it COLD! but a pitch nonetheless}

hello all!

if you're curious about what I've been off doing for the past year, have a warm coat and the time and inclination to wander down to Rockefeller Plaza around lunchtime or after work, take a look at thisschedule and come check out one of the Declare Yourself! shows.

we're performing right by the skating rink. the starred performances are ones where I'll probably be performing more; our "solo" sections flip-flop by day, but everything's in a constant state of flux. I'll post any changes to the schedule at www.martyoutloud.blogspot.com,assuming blogger starts working consistently again.

Thursday 10/28
11:35 am (Live 4-minute performance for MSNBC, unless we get bumped again)
12:15 pm (regular 40-minute show) *
6:15 pm

Friday 10/29
12:15 pm*

Tuesday 11/2
12:15 pm

Wednesday 11/3

Thursday 11/4

Friday 11/5
12:15 pm

*** it being Rockefeller Plaza, the crowds are largely tourists and local businessfolk, so it'd be great to see a familiar face out there.

otherwise and in addition, be sure to come by the Bowery Poetry Club tonight for louderTRIBUTE: Awake at the Wheel -- 10 p.m., $7, hope to see you there!

and of course, don't forget to swing by Bar 13 any and every Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marty.........see after the 11/3 show.....where shall we meet? Brooklyn?.......love....Dad

2:04 PM


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