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Monday, November 15, 2004

{new series}


leave me here the plastic
is cozy, my face knows the mold
I can breathe here. low
shallow breaths avoid
eye contact take her
or her I don't like
to be touched leave my hands
bound down like this the wire
wound tight to hold me
tight like this ribcage wrists ankles
yes like that tighter I'm perfect here tied
boxed no strip-search little fingers I've heard
the stories I know what's out there flat
below Ken and the dream home not a blindfold
in sight


please, please

that blonde bitch is crazy. have you seen
the dream home? I don't care what
Ken has or hasn't got
going on below, if he can get me out
of this box, into two bedrooms
and three solid walls, it's all good.

and the Corvette's not a bad deal, either.


out of the box

face it. Ken is the perfect
beard. and with feet like these
who'd suspect what goes on
in the closet when the kid's
asleep. call me lipstick
as if I had a choice, as if
it weren't permanent / shimmy out
of the sequined tube top and into
some camoflauge pants, steal a pair
of nodded-out GI Joe's boots
tape the double-Ds down
and paint this town pink.


to die for

have you any idea
how hard it is
to get blood out of plastic?


yeah, so anyway. for those following along at home: that was S&M Barbie, social climber Barbie, lesbian Barbie and serial killer Barbie. trademark 2004. now I should get some sleep.


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