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Monday, April 18, 2005

I'm actually nervous about tonight's semi-finals. why? I wasn't even going to slam this year (yes, yes, the cry of the addict: just once more.) so here, to calm my nerves and put the energy where it belongs.

slammer’s credo

to perform for the poem and not for the self
to offer the poems not out of fear / envy / spite / competition, but from love
to select each poem based on its place in the throat/heart/spine
to love the audience – judges and non – regardless
to love the poems more

to do the poems justice, and leave the rest behind.

here we go. I should get there early enough to actually time some of the options. and potentially implement the suggestions I received yesterday over that late-afternoon brunch. timing, folks. timing.

hug your favorite book for me. here we go.


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