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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

{greatest hits before the album comes out}

so since I have no idea what happened to the originals or really any copy of the chapbook that had "instructions for a body" in it, and since thanks to its airing on Def Jam I've gotten requests for a book that contains that poem, I'm putting together a new "selected" chapbook. seems that folks have resonated to the affirming nature of the poem (chopped down though it was, and far from brilliantly performed), so I decided to scope out my poetic inventory for a good variety of pieces that vibrate on a similar frequency. or something. in any case, given how bizarre and dark the poems have been of late, it's interesting to put together a little collection like this. I actually like it.

here's the table of contents:

instructions for a body
survival poem #17
when Willie says shit
what the beat knows
the impossibility of February
Laci Peterson’s body, late March
what Red learned from the wolf
Barbie series
after all of this, fire
spell toward leaving
the walk (for Piper Jane)
to be kissed
incantation for the hard road

so there it is. fun stuff. back to work.


Blogger Sudeaux Lux said...

You stood out in a group of talented people. Instructions For A Body is very powerful and moving. I really enjoyed it.

2:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thorougly moved by your piece, and while I have never seen you perform before, I thought it was great, very impassioned, it drove the point home.

4:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be placing it on your website? When will the publication be ready for purchase?

2:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was riveted to the screen. I saw it in your eyes. I heard it in your voice. Very passionate. Very confident. To stand and be heard. To observe and to comment. To live and to critique. To find your place in the Universe and share your insight with others.

It reminded me of a poet I once knew inside of me. Thank you

12:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw you on Def Poetry ...I will never forget it. Instructions For a Body was one of the most moving poems I have ever heard on that show or anywhere. Bravo!

12:56 PM


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