{hey, that's me! in Harlem!}
http://www.current.tv/studio/people/JA -- look at "Aurally Spoken"
Hey all you synonomUS lovers and lovettes,
We now have a chance to take this poetry/music/dance/everything else and the kitchen sink artistic jamboree of the minds and souls we call synonymUS to the next level, on TVs in over 25 million homes. In February one of our own, Jeremiah Alexis, put together a mini documentary on synonymUS and handed it in to Al Gore's new network, Current TV. Fast forward to August, this documentary, "Aurally Spoken" has hit Current's web site, with a chance to hit TV screens very soon. Just go to Jeremiah's Current Page http://www.current.tv/studio/people/JA and click the video you want to see. In order to greenlight it (Directions to do so are right underneath the video screen) , you have to join the site, but that only takes a minute (you will not get spammed to death), so please take the time, as the more greenlights the videos get, the greater chance that they will be put on the air.
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