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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I was going to take a night off from 13 last night, and probably should have. this cold was kicking around in my chest something miserable, and it was a good thing I was holed up in the DJ booth because I couldn't handle more than one person at a time. so apologies to anyone I snapped at who reads this -- trying to get through without antibiotics (ugh antibiotics) or having a doctor say "well yes, you appear to have a cold. drink lots of fluids and get some rest. you can pay the nurse on your way out" can lead to some cranky moments.

and DJing blind -- meaning using CDs with no track lists and simply hitting "play" and seeing what comes out -- while at times entertaining, is also a little crazy-making. insert deep sigh for the perils of trying to schedule artists here.

on the bright side, Stephen Dunn and Laure-Anne Bosselaar are reading in the city Sunday night. bliss! joy!

Stephen Dunn, Laure-Anne Bosselaar and Ben Lerner
May 1 at 5 p.m.
Speakeasy Reading Series

The Bitter End
147 Bleecker Street
(between Thompson and LaGuardia in the West Village)


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