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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

{we are the champions, my friends...}

New addition to my list of proud accomplishments: SOCK PUPPET SLAM CHAMPION, 2005. Oh yes, indeed. Champion. My sock puppet outscored my usual slam self by an embarassingly large margin. The show would have been more fun if more of our regulars competed, I think -- folks seemed to have showed up with strange voices and skits prepared, so it did draggggg in places. Anyone else considering holding one of these should make sure to encourage people to just do their regular poems -- and line up a few known folks.

For me, it was, well, a hoot. The fact that everyone was shocked that I was signing up for it means that I have become (at least perceived as) FAR too serious. I could barely get through the poems, I was laughing so hard. I had no idea there were so many hand references in my work. It was good to be ridiculous for a minute.

Plus, shushing people while wearing a sock puppet is a treat.

I shall attempt to utilize what I have been taught by my sock-alter-ego Betty in all future performances. Indeed.



Blogger M.C. Siegel said...

I want to be you when I grow up!

5:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello marty,
how did you like SLC? I'm going there this fall to study writing. did you think it was worth your time? and do you know of any slam groups i could involve myself with in NYC? my email is mplunkett@slc.edu

8:08 AM


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