{this is what I do over lunch}
exercise stolen from Tony Brown. holy anafora, batman!
good morning, sunshine.
Marty is going through a rough patch
Marty is neither acid-tongued nor sensationalistic
Marty is a top choice for convention planners, corporations, civic organizations, church groups and non-profit agencies
Marty is the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Marty is the main force behind the creation of the Acorn Naturalists Catalog
Marty is also highly concerned about the strains placed on soldiers
Marty is resigned to listening to people ask.
Marty is leading efforts
Marty is proudly sponsored by
Marty is widely known
Marty is the author of Core Web Programming
Marty is the rather submissive friend of Stahl's
Marty is awake in New York.
Marty is a master of the quick stroke, as evidenced by the following passage
Marty is very organized, efficient and makes the best use of time
Marty is passionate about the Rangers
Marty is also taken with the concept of grace
Marty is gone
Marty is in England preparing to tour
Marty is touring non-stop
Marty is skateboarding
Marty is vindicated
Marty is at the point of giving up
Marty is a five-month-old baby
Marty is one of twelve "healing spirits"
Marty is too rigid
Marty is the versatile backbone of many deck types
Marty is expected to stall and dissipate over the Mexico/US border
Marty is often labelled in brief author biographies as a spokesman for his generation
Marty is a graduate of the Department of Highway Safety Management Fellows
Marty is being "hung" by Mad Dog Tannen
Marty is in high demand as a voice-over talent
Marty is not an outdoor cat
Marty is screwed
Marty is placed in an incredibly difficult ethical dilemma
Marty is often asked by hosts about his preferences in travel
Marty is helping the porn operators better market their wares
Marty is pleased with the successes of the past five years
Marty is also an original co-sponsor of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act
Marty is in the eleventh grade at Beverly Hills High School
Marty is starting to feel more like the right fit for INXS
Marty is now Lecturer of Tuba and Euphonium
Marty is not much of a catch
Marty is not cheered by the gesture
Marty is always available to speak to you
Marty is out of the lineup indefinitely
Marty is a very giving person
Marty is totally oblivious
Marty is called a chicken
Marty is on her own to come up with the identity of the true murderer
Marty is also the local harbormaster for the City of Kodiak
Marty is fired
Marty is committed to continuing her work on this issue
Marty is gonna be one mean mother of a NHRA drag racer
Marty is thinking more clearly than the Bush Administration
Marty is the cat's pajamas, but Marty is a Republican's Republican.
Marty is so attractive that it causes problems for Willie.
Marty is very aware of the controversy.
Marty is, I think, right to complain about the unfairness and injustice
Marty is writing this volume
Marty is recognized for much more than just being prolific
Marty is never confronted by the depth of this statement
Marty is undeniable
Marty is just a good-natured dog shaking off fleas
Marty is more at home on a supercross style track than ever before
Marty is an anti-social realist
Marty is sooooo cute in person
Marty is apparently suffering from dissociative identity disorder
Marty is recently married, recently widowed, and recently arrived in the old West from an East Coast city
Marty is on a distinguished road
Marty is going to win.
Marty is showing off a three-set photo display of Johnny Cash
Marty is skilled in every aspect of wilderness survival and wilderness lore
Marty is a genuine "heroine"
Marty is right and wrong about this
Marty is less than thrilled about being the subject of a magazine article
Marty is widely published in CVD and epitaxial silicon technology and training
Marty is really the greatest asset I have
Marty is no longer soliciting feedback
Marty is the best poster in here, by a mile.
(exercise: type your name followed by "is" in quotation marks into Google. arrange. see what happens. I find this wildly entertaining.)
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